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Market Report: Goods-to-Person Ecommerce Fulfilment Robotics 2018 - STIQ Ltd (t/a Styleintelligence)

Market Report: Goods-to-Person Ecommerce Fulfilment Robotics 2018


IN 2012 AMAZON acquired the robotics company KIVA SYSTEMS, a pioneering solution for moving shelves & goods to a person.

Post-acquisition, Amazon pulled the Kiva System robots from the market disrupting potential expansion  plans any of the 25 customers Kiva had at the time.

Fast forward to 2018 and Amazon has deployed well in excess of 100,000 of these Kiva robots, known as AMR's (Autonomous Mobile Robots).


Muted Market Response

The market response to Kiva disappearing from the market was initially slow, but started to develop in 2014-2015. However, it has taken until 2017-2018 for any large scale deployments to occur.

Interestingly, the industry has developed into three robotic systems with distinct global separation. The US market has been slow to develop a similar type of robot as the one produced by Kiva, possibly due to potential Amazon legal action. However, there are now moves among suppliers to enter the US market.


Alternatives start appearing around 2014-2015

A number of alternatives have developed; from pick assistants based on AMR to ASRS systems stacking crates on top of each other.

Companies mentioned in this report include: Autostore, Fetch Robotics, Vecna, Geek+, Quicktronic, Kiva Systems, Amazon Robotics, Flashhold, inVia Robotics, Canvas Technology, Omron, Opex, HIK Vision/Robotics, 6 River Systems, 6river, Prime Robotics, Honeywell Intelligrated, Ocado, Dematic, Exotec, GreyOrange, Scallog, Eiratech, Maro Robot Tech, Swisslog, Bleum, MIR, Mobile Industrial Robots, Locus, Otto, Clearpath, iFuture Robotics

Facts about this report:

  • 29 interviews with companies around the globe, from China to India, Germany, France, the UK & US. The type of companies interviewed range from retailers and 3PL's to suppliers and integrators.
  • 27 pages including market sizing & forecast, drivers and positioning
  • 24 Suppliers profiled
  • 18 Robotics companies interviewed
  • $340m raised by the companies covered

The report does not include our views on potential M&A targets, strategic recommendations, etc. For such information, contact us directly.