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News English — Convenience Store

NRF 2019 Review of Frictionless Stores

computer vision Convenience Store event review Merchandising NRF Omnichannel Payment Methods retail retail technology Startup Trade Show

NRF 2019 Review of Frictionless Stores

A review of the frictionless store concepts on view at #NRF2019; Ai-Fi, Cloud Pick, Cisco, Toshiba, Zippin, and Soul-M. Only one of these appeared commercially available right now - Cloud Pick, a Chinese company.

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China Watch: Self-Serve Convenience Stores

Alibaba China computer vision Convenience Store ecommerce FMCG Interior Machine Learning new product Omnichannel On to Offline Payment Tech Pop-Up Shops retail technology Self-Serve Startup Store of the Future Stores

China Watch: Self-Serve Convenience Stores

Self-service stores is a big thing in China. At what point will Chinese companies lead and businesses like Amazon follow?

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