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Market Report: AGV & AMR Robotics 2020 - STIQ Ltd (t/a Styleintelligence)

Market Report: AGV & AMR Robotics 2020


2020 AGV & AMR Robotics sector report

The AGV (Automatic Guided Vehicles) sector is highly fragmented and uses a wide variety of technologies for navigating the various vehicles (Mouse, Truck, Fork). As a result, new acronyms to separate technologies has appeared, such as AMR (Autonomous Mobile Robots) and LGV (Laser Guided Vehicle).

STIQ's report seeks to create clarity in the AGV landscape for buyers and vendors alike.  


Report statistics:
* Pages: 41
* Estimated time to read: 
1.5hrs ("skim read" in 10min)
* Interviews completed:
 64 (each interview lasted up to 60mins)
* Categories covered: Truck, Mouse, Fork, Platform, Custom + outdoors
* Geographic coverage: Global
* Companies profiled:
 70-80 (we identified a total of c.250 vendors)
* Company profiles: Addverb, AgileX Robotics, AgiloX, AGVE Group, AGVS, Anronaut, Arculus, Ariens, ASTI Mobile Robotics, ATAB/MAXAGV, Autoguide Mobile Robots, Axter AGV, BA Systemes, Balyo, BlueBotics, Brain Corp, Brisa, CEIT, Comau, Daum + Partner, Dematic, DS Automation, E&K Automation, Effidence, Elettric80, Esatroll, Eurotec/Lowpad, FlexQube, ForwardX Robotics, Fox Robotics, Gestalt Robotics, Gideon Brothers, Goetting, Grenzebach, Guidance Automation, IdentPro, Incubed IT, INFOCOM Ltd, JBT Corporation, Jungheinrich, Kivnon Logistica, Kollmorgen Automation, Linde Material Handling, MasterMover, Milvus Robotics, Mobile Industrial Robots (MIR), Modoya,, Movexx, Movigo Robotics, Navitec Systems, NC Nielsen, Nipper AGV, Omron, Oppent, Otto Motors, Prime Vision, psb intralogistics, Robmov, RoboCV, Robotize, Rocla AGV, Ruvu, Safelog, Seegrid, Sherpa Mobile Robotics, Smarlogy, Soft Design, Staubli WFT, Synersight, System Logistics, Things Alive, Third Wave, Toyota Advanced Logistics, Transbotics, Transolt, Vecna Robotics, Versabox and VisionNav Robotics + Accerion, SLAMcore, Alias Robotics, Seyo, Romaric Corp, IFM, SVT Robotics


*This report is available as a free download thanks to Kollmorgen AGV Solutions