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Market Report: Goods-to-Person Ecommerce Fulfilment Robotics 2024 - Styleintelligence

Market Report: Goods-to-Person Ecommerce Fulfilment Robotics 2024


2024 G2P Solutions report

The 2024 G2P Solutions report focuses on warehouse fulfillment automation equipment frequently used by e-commerce retailers and increasingly also other industry verticals. Such "Eaches Fulfilment" is often referred to as G2P Solutions, P2G/G2P, GTP or Goods to Person, etc.

In this report you will find:

  • Executive Summary 
  • Market Segmentation: What are the different technologies in the market and how are they segmented?
  • Intro to Machine Rate vs Pick Rate: How does pick rate relate to machine rate?
  • Market Penetration Levels: How much TAM is left for warehouse automation vendors?
  • Global Market Growth: What happened in the market in 2023? 
  • Market Growth by Country: Which countries did well and where was it less great?
  • Market Growth by Vertical: Which verticals boosted G2P growth?
  • Market Trends: What are the trends STIQ (from c.50 interviews)  
  • End Customer Interviews: STIQ interviewed three end customers of G2P Solutions to get their perspective on the sector
  • G2P Solutions Vendor Demographics: What does startup activity look like in the G2P sector? What are the changes in how startups approach the sector?
  • M&A Activity:
  • G2P Company Directory: STIQ listed 110 companies in the directory
  • Creds: The companies we interviewed for this report
  • Sponsor: Our super thanks to EXOTEC for sponsoring this report

Why is this unbiased market research report available free?

This report is available as a free download courtesy of Exotec - check out their website here to support more STIQ content!

Who should read this report?

  • Buyers of fulfillment equipment and technologies
  • Warehouse designers
  • System integrators and resellers
  • Logistics/Intralogistics Management Consultants
  • C-level stakeholders
  • Investors
  • Any other stakeholders


  1. Pages: 81
  2. Stakeholders Interviewed: 50
  3. End Customer Interviews: 3
  4. Companies in directory: 110
  5. Time to SKIM read: 5min
  6. Time to read in detail: 1hr 


STIQ has published an annual report on the G2P Solutions sector since 2018. The 2024 report was the 7th annual report. STIQ has built up exclusive and proprietary knowledge of the Global G2P Solutions sector. STIQ reports have been downloaded >25,000x and shared >100,000x to a global audience of end customers, decision makers, vendors, system integrators, resellers, investors, equity analysts, management consultants, etc. 

Advertise in STIQs reports to reach a global audience of influencers, decision makers and buyers - download our media pack here (use your business email address for this purpose).

  • 2024 BUNDLE - get ALL STIQs 2024 reports  in a single click (link)


This report is available as a FREE DOWNLOAD courtesy of EXOTEC


This report focuses on online order fulfilment automation technologies, sortation robots, picking robots, ASRS/Automatic Storage & Retrieval Systems, G2P/P2G Robots, packaging machinery and more.


Companies mentioned in this report include: 1M Robotics, 6River Systems, Addverb, Attabotics, AutoStore, AWM Tech, Bastian Solutions, Belive, Brightpick, Dematic, Exotec, Fives Group, Geekplus, HAI Robotics, HIK Robots, Honeywell Intelligrated, InVia Robotics, Libiao Robotics, Locus Robotics, Magazino, Mujin Robotics, Knapp, Opex, Prime Robotics, Prime Vision, Quicktron, Rapuyta Robotics, RightHand Robotics, Safelog, Savoye, Scallog, SSI Schaefer, Swisslog, TGW, XYZ Robotics, and many others.




This is an AI generated abstract of this report (using Adobe AI Assistant):

The document provides insights into the G2P Solutions (Goods-to-Person) market, specifically focusing on the growth, trends, and dynamics in 2023 and the outlook for 2024. ​ The document highlights the impact of the pandemic on various sectors, such as retail, e-commerce, and non-retail, and the shift in customer demand. It also discusses the competitive dynamics in different regions, including North America, Europe, and Asia, and the importance of a diverse customer base for system integrators. ​ The document suggests that while there may have been challenges in 2023, there is optimism for growth in 2024.