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News English — Manhattan Associates

Manhattan Associates #MAExchange in Amsterdam 2018

ecommerce M&A Machine Learning Manhattan Associates Omni-Channel Retailing On to Offline retail Robotics Store of the Future Supply Chain

Manhattan Associates #MAExchange in Amsterdam 2018

Push Possible Manhattan Associates organises an annual event in Europe for EMEA customers. This was held Oct 8-10 in Amsterdam, 2018. Delegates included some of the top European (and quite a few global) retail names. The event is heavy on supply chain and logistics but targets the eCommerce sector. Eddie Capel, CEO, Manhattan Associates kicked off the event in style. We were treated to a press briefing by the CEO, SVP Product Management and the European MD. In the evening prior to the press briefing we had the opportunity to talk to Brian Kinsella, SVP Product Management and Adam Kline,...

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