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News English — Omni-Channel Retailing

Manhattan Associates #MAExchange in Amsterdam 2018

ecommerce M&A Machine Learning Manhattan Associates Omni-Channel Retailing On to Offline retail Robotics Store of the Future Supply Chain

Manhattan Associates #MAExchange in Amsterdam 2018

Push Possible Manhattan Associates organises an annual event in Europe for EMEA customers. This was held Oct 8-10 in Amsterdam, 2018. Delegates included some of the top European (and quite a few global) retail names. The event is heavy on supply chain and logistics but targets the eCommerce sector. Eddie Capel, CEO, Manhattan Associates kicked off the event in style. We were treated to a press briefing by the CEO, SVP Product Management and the European MD. In the evening prior to the press briefing we had the opportunity to talk to Brian Kinsella, SVP Product Management and Adam Kline,...

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What CEO's need to know about cannibalisation and exponential complexity of the omni-channel

CEO Omni-Channel Retailing retail

What CEO's need to know about cannibalisation and exponential complexity of the omni-channel

Online has led to widespread high-street store cannibalisation putting profitability at risk. CEO's need to look at organisational fundamentals to remedy the damage done to the many multi- or omni-channel (whatever you want to call it) retailers. At its most basic - retailers have not given any thought to new business when rolling out the online channel and have continued to focus on existing customers and demographics hence inviting channel cannibalisation. For example, John Lewis (excl. Waitrose) increased revenue by 5.6% CAGR 2008-18. In the same period online has grown as a share of revenue from 13% to 42% at...

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Breakfast meeting @ Retail Week Prospect, 4 Dec 2017

ecommerce Financial Performance FMCG Omni-Channel Retailing Stores UK Retail

Breakfast meeting @ Retail Week Prospect, 4 Dec 2017

As many other traditional publishers, Retail Week have suffered from a slump in paper copy sales and have moved online. However, with the variety of sources available online the company has had to look at other ways to monetise its network, connections and expertise. Retail Week Prospect is one such initiative. Retail Week Prospect is an extensive database of 180 of the largest UK retailers including deep analysis of strategic direction, IT investment focus in the near future, key contacts and much more. If you are business developing/prospecting for your IT supply outfit and building your UK retailer network you...

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The latest online retailer to go offline... Alibaba!

Alibaba China China Fashion Market Department Stores ecommerce Lotte M&A Omni-Channel Retailing South Korea Vertical Integration

The latest online retailer to go offline... Alibaba!

Today we cannot just separate online and offline... wise words by Daniel Zhang, the CEO of Alibaba, who is eyeing a $2.6bn deal to take the Chinese "Intime Retail Group" department store chain private. Source: This follows several offline moves by a number of "tradtitionally online" companies including Amazon,, Boohoo, Zalando, Farfetch and others. The main advantage moving from online to offline is the corporate culture of accepting and managing with multi-year losses to build a better business. Most offline businesses with online add-ons have a culture of carefully weighted KPI's on which bonuses and other advantages are...

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Online going Offline: VR360 of store on Tottenham Court Road, London

Guide Shops Merchandising Omni-Channel Retailing Omnichannel Store Layout Stores UK Retail VR360

Online going Offline: VR360 of store on Tottenham Court Road, London, the online furniture store, opened their physical 'guideshop' on Tottenham Court Road in early 2015. We took a stroll in the store on Dec 7, 2016.  This is a 360 Virtual Reality video. If you cannot see the film in VR try viewing with another browser. For more information like this contact us  

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