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Burberry Seeking Chief of Cost Cutting

Burberry Cost Cutting ecommerce Financial Performance Luxury Retail

Burberry Seeking Chief of Cost Cutting

(Image source: Burberry Plc) The British luxury brand has seen its fortunes reverse since Angela Ahrendts left the company to join Apple. Burberry plans to cut costs by £100m (approx $150m) by 2019. However, since the appointment of Christopher Bailey to the dual role of Chief Executive Officer and Chief Creative Officer the company has not only dropped revenues but has also seen significant cost control measures introduced. Mr Bailey is rapidly losing faith among investors, but has backing from the board, and an additional leader is being sought to work in tandem with Christopher as his duties are thought...

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Superdry moves against the grain with a 21% increase in revenues

ecommerce kids fashion Retail SuperDry Vertical Integration

Superdry moves against the grain with a 21% increase in revenues

Laundry Athletics Ltd, the company behind the SuperDry brand and headquartered in Cheltenham, United Kingdom, posted a a jump in total revenues for the year to April 30th, 2015 compared to the previous year. The primary driver for the rise was their retail arm. The company has announced it will be investing in developing its own retail network in non-UK locations around Western Europe in the coming year. Superdry currently has 202 own shops. Link to article (subscribers only)

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Kathryn Sargent - Savile Row's First Female Tailor

Luxury Retail Savile Row Tailor

Kathryn Sargent - Savile Row's First Female Tailor

(Image source: Kathryn Sargent) Founded by Kathryn Sargent in 2012 the company bearing her name has been located in London's prestigious Mayfair on 6 Brook Street. She worked for 15 years with Gieves & Hawkes of No.1 Savile Row, rising to the position of Head Cutter - the first woman to do so in the entire history of Savile Row. Today she travels the world creating expertly-crafted pieces for ladies and gentlemen with only the most discerning of tastes. (Image source: Kathryn Sargent) This spring Kathryn Sargent returns home to Savile Row to take up residence on the street that...

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Online going offline?

ecommerce Guide Shops Pop-Up Shops pr Retail

Online going offline? opened its first public showroom in 2015 and in the last few days announced its intention to do more offline work, primarily in temporary pop-ups. In the US the concept of pop-ups or guide-shops is well known through fashion ecommerce retailers such as and Thus far no fashion-led ecommerce retailer in the UK has made any intention to open an offline shop public. We believe that with the increasing availability of suitable retail property on the market it is highly likely that at least one of or will trial the concept. If not as...

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Burberry C-level State of Flux

Burberry China Fashion Market Financial Performance Luxury

Burberry C-level State of Flux

According to media reports the dual role taken on by Christopher Bailey in May 2014 is no longer working out. Bailey who was Creative Director under Angela Ahrendts, also took on her role as CEO when she left to join Apple. Filling both these roles was never going to be easy. Burberry's shares have fallen by 21% in value since Bailey took over which would be enough to get sidelined in other companies. However, as Bailey was recommended to the dual role by the company's long serving Chairman, Sir John Peace , it is unlikely that he will be ousted....

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