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#5 Networking Event by STIQ Robotics

#5 Networking Event by STIQ Robotics

STIQ organised a FIFTH quarterly STIQRobotics evening meetup in central London on May 10th, 2023. 

STIQRobotics event banner

This event was kindly supported by Pinsent Masons, Gillespie Manners and Onshape.

Around 100 attendees saw presentations from nine companies and enjoyed three great networking sessions during the 3.5 hours event.

Presentations included

Onshape presented their solution valiantly when the host AV system misfired (apologies!). A person from the Ocado Engineering kindly joined the stage to talk about how good Onshape was for them. Apparently this was not a plant. Nevertheless we enjoyed the additional customer feedback!  

Napo from Arrival talked about their micro factories and the role mobile robots play in these. Especially as there can be no conveyors in these factories. 

Benedex presented their motor in a wheel to make it easier to build mobile vehicles and mobile robots.

Alfie from Prosper Robotics
Shariq from Prosper Robotics made a very exciting presentation showcasing Alfie, the general purpose robot in the image. Unfortunately this was so good that we forgot to take an image of the presentation. This is one of their Tweets from their Twitter Account. Check it out.

Francesca at Imperial College
Francesca Palermo from Imperial College talked about how to use IOT to sense agitation in people with Alzheimers. STIQ wanted to give her a platform to talk about this and perhaps how robots could potentially improve situations or reduce agitation in patients.
Listt showcasing their solution to imminent regulatory pressures on farming.

Dima at Staxel presented a short snippet looking at their MFC or Micro/Nano automation solution for grocery fulfillment. This is also a space STIQ publishes reports on, check our the eGrocery Infrastructure report here

Volant Autonomy
Volant Autonomy talked about their solutions for safer drone flight/operations.

Unmanned Life
Unmanned Life presented their fleet management solution for robots/autonomous vehicles. 

At STIQRobotics events there are also opportunities to display robots and get feedback from the attendees.

Philip English from Robot Center with a Unitree quadruped
Philip English from Robot Center demonstrating a Unitree Quadruped robot. 

Video of the presentations

Here is a video of the presentations at the event. (note attending in person is always the best as you get the buzz from the networking as well). 

What is STIQRobotics?

STIQ Robotics are quarterly evening meetups/networking events organised by STIQ Ltd. The original idea was to encourage the development of a domestic Robotics Ecosystem in the UK. Whilst this remains the overarching goal, STIQ Robotics also invite foreign robotics and AI companies to participate in these events. 

STIQ Robotics meetups start at 5.30PM and run for c.3.5hrs. There are up to 10 presenting companies/startups in each event in 2 batches book-ended by networking breaks for attendees. At most events we offer pizza and drinks to delegates. Events typically finish around 9pm. 

Check out the STIQRobotics website and don't forget to sign up to our newsletter. 

You can also follow STIQ Robotics on our LinkedIn group

Presenting at a future STIQRobotics event

STIQ invites any robotics company to present at our events. Note that for larger companies we may ask for a $ contribution to managing and organising these events.

Simply contact us to chat about your business and determine its suitability.

Who visits STIQRobotics events?

Check out this recent LinkedIn post with commentaries to get a glance at who may be visiting our events. 

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